Friday, January 30, 2009

How to Cure a Broken Heart!

Within a relationship someone will always end up with a broken heart. The thing is don't stay with the broken heart. If your spouse is not trying to make it work then move on. It might be hard especially if your in love with that person. That's just the way of life. When you try to move on don't think everyone is the same because their not. You should not judge the person by the way they look or by the way they act. If someone is really feelin you at least give them a chance to show that their not like your previous spouse who have done you wrong. Don' think back on what happened to you think abou what you want to happen to you, what you want to experience in the present relationship. Another thing if you want to be treated a certain way or you don't like or appreciate the way you're being treated then let it be known. Don't be afraid to talk to your spouse and let them know whats goin on in your life or whats on your mind. There should be a bond that can not be broken by anyone. Both of the spouses should be real and true to eachother if they want it to last and work out. Just as I said one person can't make it work on their own. Your heart can be put back together but you have to be willing to let it be done. Give someone else a chance to make things right.

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