Monday, January 26, 2009

Goals and Changes

For secoond semester I plan on making it on through the rest of the year. I most of all plan to make better grades than I made in first semester. I have the two new classes that I need so I'm going to really focus on them two. I'm now planning to make it to school early enough to be on time for first period since thats one of the classes that I need. I plan to do what is needed to maintain the good grades after I get them up there. For second semester I plan to start to make it to all my classes on time. I'm going to be more serious about what I'm doing to make sure i'm doing what I'm doing to get out of here. I'm going to help people in the classes that I had that need help. I'm going to keep up with everything so there won't be no confusions or problems like I been doin. This is the changes that I have for second semester.

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