Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bad Things Good!

One thing that I kan remember that happened to me that was bad and turned out to be good was a huge fight I had. One day my brotha, cuzzins, and I were walkin to the bus stop on our way to the mall. These dudes that call theyself "Terror Dome" Came over to where we was and started talkin smack. So my cuzzin that don't take nothin frum nobody stole off one of them and it was crackin frum there. Everybody just got to swinging on somebody til the police came. When the police came I was so mad that I didn't stop scraping the dude I was scraping. The police was yelling telling me ta get off him and that that was enough. My brotha couldn't stop me, the police almost couldn't stop me. So they locked me up and I was sitting in there mad as ever. I sat in there and I thought about it but the lesson I learned was that sometimes people go farther than they need to when they angry. I didn't have to do all of that and by any means necessary

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