Monday, February 2, 2009

Wierd Character!

Their iz a guy that lives around my house that stays to himself. The thing about him is that he has terexcindrome. He is a kool dude, but at timez he will scary the crap out of you. He is the type of person that don't take in to people stupidity. When he gets mad he goes mad. He will walk down the street and just yell for no reason. I remember one day I was outside standin on the porch wit my cousin and he was walkin down the middle of the street. I spoke to him and he spoke back. When he spoke bak he sounded like he had an attitude so I jus lest it at that. Then he stpped right there in the middle of the street and started yellin for no reason. My cousin and I looked at him and we looked at eachotha like wut do he b on. Then he kept on walkin, like nothin happened.

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