Monday, December 1, 2008

The Bravest Thing I've Ever Done!

The bravest thing that I've ever done was not running from this dog that was on the run. That day I remembered that dogs can smell fear. I kept walking trying not to be scared, but I couldn't help it because the dog was a pitbull. A boy that was walking across the street from me got spooked and started running. The dog took off on the side I was on but it ran right past me. When the dog ran past me I was so relieved and my heart was beating too fast. I started power walking the rest of the way to the store because it eventually turned around and started back my way. That day was too crazy because that was my first day ever experiencing something like that.

1 comment:

~MZ. KIM~ said...

I am scared of dogs too I don't even know what i would have done.